8061 Perry Creek Road
Fair Play, CA 95684


ph 530.620.7474
fx 530.620.7204


Tasting Room Hours

Fri - Sun 11am to 4:45pm

We are open most Holidays



Easter, Thanksgiving & Christmas




We are open for Indoor Wine and Champagne Tasting, Wine Purchases and Wine Club Pickups.

Tasting Room hours are Friday through Sunday from 11:00 am to 4:45 pm.

We can also schedule appointments Monday through Thursday for Purchases and Wine Club Pickups Only.

We still have discounts on some select wines, call or email for details.



We look forward to
seeing you!

Mike and "D" (Melodie)
e-mail info@iversonwinery.com

Tasting Room Staff

Paul Teuber

Tom Shaw

Iverson Vineyards & Winery • 8061 Perry Creek Road • Fair Play, CA 95684 • ph 530.620.7474 • fx 530.620.7204
e-mail info@iversonwinery.com directions

Design and content exclusive property of Iverson Vineyards & Winery